District Kohat Profiling, Facilities, ...

URL: http://opendata.kp.gov.pk/dataset/c3789769-e08f-4e95-9c25-1fea50ae3e5c/resource/b4717fed-1cd9-48f5-af06-2a2299a94e8e/download/kohat-2015-2019.xlsx

This dataset contains information on District Development Plan, Food and Health facilities, Forest, Wild life, Total Area, Barren land details, PopulationDemographics, Patwar khana, Moazas, Parks, TMAs, Educational Institutes and more.

There are no views created for this resource yet.

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
S# numeric
Department text
Contact # Code 0922 text
Location text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 26, 2022
Metadata last updated July 26, 2022
Created July 26, 2022
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 2 years ago
datastore activeTrue
last modifiedover 2 years ago
package idc3789769-e08f-4e95-9c25-1fea50ae3e5c
revision id453e697b-23d2-437f-8721-e6e8ee265450
size25.5 KiB
url typeupload